With an increasingly active role in the field of media education, the Locarno Film Festival is bringing its skills to the school world. How? For starters, by inviting Ticino school classes to the cinema, in a proper movie theater: a valuable opportunity for a shared, participative viewing, where you can share thoughts and questions with the people who made the film.
The second edition took place on March 24, 2023, and was attended by about 400 youths, who watched the film The Legionnaire and shared their opinions with the director Hleb Papou and lead actor Germano Gentile. They then spent the afternoon dabbling in various activities tied to the audiovisual sector: sound design, editing, the crafting of images and the creation of stories for the screen.
The third edition will take place in the spring of 2024.
For more information, please contact us at edu@locarnofestival.ch