by Stefano Cascili, Fiction, Film diploma SPD, 10’ 16”, 2024
The pain of loss and its effects on memory, imagination and reality are told through a narrative with a mixed format. Fragments, cuts and caesuras testify to the impossibility of holding together different planes of storytelling - and existence -. Or perhaps they betray the hope that at least in film narration this will become possible.
by Tommaso Bellinzaghi, Documentary, Film diploma SPD, 19’ 25”, 2024
A sports story, but more importantly a unique story, that of the Hurricane baseball team, composed of visually impaired players. An immersion in a game based on different rules, in which athletic gestures and human presence become signs and sounds. In this other perceptual dimension, even our concept of the visible is constantly challenged.
by Céline Lancini, Fiction, Film diploma SPD, 21’ 59”, 2024
The difficulties of integration in contemporary Switzerland also pass through subtle symbols, such as frizzy hair. With a deliberately pop approach that is open to contamination with other languages of the present, the film short-circuits a small everyday affair with a much broader cultural debate.
by Mattia Malaspina, Documentary, Film diploma SPD, 19’ 12”, 2024
Nicolas Gentile, a pastry chef from Bucchianico, Abruzzo, decided to become a Hobbit. Not as a cosplayer, but radically so, living his daily life as an inhabitant of Tolkien's Middle Earth. In just a few years his project found thousands of supporters, including cast members of Peter Jackson's film, threatening to get out of hand. A foray into a parallel world parallel world that investigates the conflict between ambition and reality.