L'immagine e la parola
16-17 | 3 | 2024
Noi e gli altri

To inaugurate the Spring Academy 2024, Locarno's Cinema Rialto hosts the 11th edition of L'immagine e la parola, the spring event of the Locarno Film Festival, on March 16 and 17, this year titled Noi e gli altri.
Award-winning French filmmaker Alice Diop, recent winner of the Silver Lion at the Venice International Film Festival, is the guest of honor at an event that will celebrates her work through screenings of some of her greatest films — Vers la tendresse (2016), Nous (2021) and Saint Omer (2022) — and conversations devoted to her filmmaking practice.
The program is also complimented by a screening and workshop aimed at young viewers and their families.
The program of L’Immagine e la parola is curated by Giona A. Nazzaro and Daniela Persico and organized in collaboration with CISA and RSI Radiotelevisione svizzera, with the support of the Ticino Film Commission.
14:00 | Cinema Rialto, Room 3
Masterclass with Kevin B. Lee (Locarno Film Festival Professor for the Future of Cinema and the Audiovisual Arts at Università della Svizzera italiana), Social Confrontations and the Cinema of Alice Diop
Screening of two video essays
Vers la tendresse, Alice Diop, France, 2016, 40', o.v. French, sub. English
17:00 | Cinema Rialto, Room 2
Spring Academy Short Films Screening
20:30 | Cinema Rialto, Room 1
Video essays
Saint Omer, Alice Diop, France, 2022, 122', o.v. French, sub. Italian
Introduced by the director
10:30 | Cinema Rialto, Room 3
Masterclass with Alice Diop
In French with Italian translation
15:30 | Cinema Rialto, Room 2
Video essays
Nous by Alice Diop, France, 2021, 114', o.v. French, sub. Italian
The program offers the chance to participate in two exclusive masterclasses: the first, given by Prof. Kevin B. Lee, will deal with the social issues present in Alice Diop’s cinema (Saturday, March 16, 2-4pm, Cinema Rialto, Room 3). The second, held by Alice Diop, will focus on working with the protagonists in her films (Sunday, March 17, 10:30am-12:30pm, Cinema Rialto, Room 3).
Registration is required for the masterclasses by writing to workshop@locarnofestival.ch. Places are limited.
10:00 | Cinema Rialto, Room 2
Titina, Kajsa Næss, Norway/Belgium, 2022, 91', Italian version
Preceded by a short film made by the Locarno 2 Middle School
14:00 - 16:30 | Playroom and ggl Library at Scuole elementari Saleggi, via delle Scuole 10 (2nd Floor), Locarno
Children's theater workshop organized by the gruppo genitori locarnese and animated by the Métis'Arte Association (target age 8-11, snack provided).
LIMITED SEATS: registration at dietrolequinte@ggl.ch by March 10.
Cost CHF 30.-
Cost ggl members CHF 20.-