Way before the Marvel Cinematic Universe was created, making movies based upon comics was a challenge for directors who wanted to make their dreams come true. It was the incredible strength that led Bryan Singer to start the X-Men movie series and Sam Raimi to meet our friendly neighbor Spider-Man.
Raimi made an action thriller with great rhythm without denying his own cinematic point of view and style: as a matter of fact an apocryphal remake of Darkman. The leading themes are the same: revenge, redemption and the weight of guilt. Storylines that we can find in various movies like The Gift and For Love of the Game. Raimi is one of the most talented directors of his generation and Spider-Man has been for a long time the best Marvel movie ever made; from its very beginning as is shown with the amazing title sequence by Kyle Cooper. Tobey Maguire’s portrayal of Peter Parker remains still unequaled and we’ll never have a better Goblin than Willem Dafoe. Nowadays, it’s probably impossible to imagine such an impressive Marvel movie concept like this which is definitely one of the reasons why we must consider Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man an indispensable piece of movie history. One day someone will write about the dawn of the future moviemaking, needing to look no further than this movie to find its roots.