News  ·  27 | 05 | 2019

BaseCamp: Four Walls and a Horizon

At the Locarno Film Festival, it’s time for BaseCamp: a new location, suggested by the Festival to young people and to be completed with them. 200 of them, who will inhabit it for the entire duration of Locarno72, August 7-17. BaseCamp will be a bed, a roof and a multitude of shared spaces. It will be a house for those given the chance and responsibility to experience and begin it. BaseCamp won’t be complete at first. It will be born with the intention of building, inventing, launching and consolidating it. It is a project born today and imagined in the future. 

The starting point is to get 200 creative talents from every corner of the world, aged between 18 and 30, and to put at their disposal a place – the former Losone barrack – through which they can access the Locarno Film Festival from within, becoming the protagonists of its mindscape. How? By imagining it! Starting with those four walls, which are to be filled, defined and situated within a vision. BaseCamp is a workshop for the 200 youths who will experience it and for the Festival that wanted it. The Locarno Film Festival is ready to host this laboratory of ideas in its first year of existence. A Foundation Year, during which the formula to imagine the future in the present will be tested, understood and improved. 

Taken from the wider world of art (film and any other branch), the 200 guests of BaseCamp, selected in part via various art schools and in part via application, will get to know each other and express themselves by taking advantage of a stage that is among the most important in the creative world. For ten days, that stage will be available to them, complete with program, screenings and key players. The basecampers will get to experience the Festival in its entirety – accreditation included – and at the same time embrace the paths that were conceived for them. They will focus on Pardi di domani, Cineasti del presente and Locarno Academy, which will literally open the doors to behind-the-scenes proceedings. 

BaseCamp will serve as a creative pool, devoted to thought and its development, where the first essential step will be sharing. Being there will mean being the Locarno Film Festival. The Festival wanted, conceived and initiated the concept, and subsequently left it on its own to become what it will be able to be. 

The Locarno72 BaseCamp will open its doors on August 7. Additional information and applications: