News  ·  23 | 03 | 2020

Locarno Home Festival

The Locarno Film Festival, too, has had its day-to-day routine completely upset by the COVID-19 crisis. In these extremely complex times, we want to reassure you of our ongoing commitment and express our concern for those working in the film industry who are already suffering the consequences of difficult, but necessary decisions. Our thoughts go in particular to exhibitors, to distributors and to all those institutions which, like the Locarno Film Festival, could not go on working without movie-going audiences. We trust that the return to normality – which we hope will come as soon as possible –  will bring a new level of awareness of the contribution made by all these players.


In the meantime, in the hope that we will see you all in Piazza Grande from August 5th to 15th, we will keep you up to date on the Locarno Film Festival. We also invite you to take a look at films shown over the years at the Festival that are currently available on the main streaming platforms. You can also watch masterclasses, interviews and panel discussions with previous guests at the Festival. Follow us on social media: we’ll keep you company!




CI  - Concorso internazionale
CDP - Cineasti del presente
PG - Piazza Grande
PdP UBS - Prix du Public UBS
HDC - Histoire du Cinéma
FC - Fuori concorso
PS - Panorama suisse
OD - Open Doors
ODS - Open Doors Screenings
SOF - Signs of Life
FDG - Filme delle giurie
CV - Concorso Video

The LocarnoHomeFestival's proposal criterion is to offer films from the history of the Locarno Film Festival to the public, regardless of whether the platforms hosting them offer them free of charge or for a fee.

Availability of individual titles on the same platform may vary from country to country.