News  ·  11 | 08 | 2022

Annie Colère

Blandine Lenoir | Piazza Grande

©Aurora Films_Local Films

With her third feature film, Blandine Lenoir abandons the comedic register and, with her co-writer, director Axelle Ropert (who came to present her film Petite Solange in competition at the 2021 Festival), focuses on a story to which the recent revolting decision of the Supreme Court in the United States provides a poignant touch of topicality. 

France, 1974, a year before the legalization of abortion. Annie, a worker and mother of two, accidentally becomes pregnant. On this occasion she meets the Movement for the Liberation of Abortion and Contraception (MLAC), doctors and women who openly practice illegal abortions. Welcomed by this unique movement, based on practical help for women and the sharing of knowledge, she will find, in the battle for the adoption of the law on abortion, a new meaning in her life. 

Supported by a magnificent and inspired cast led by Laure Calamy, Zita Hanrot and India Hair, the film dares to approach this intimate and political topic with respect and without taboos. She treats it with precision, in all its nature and in all its diversity made of destinies and personal choices. 

This is the story of a selfless woman who takes charge of her future, because she was supported to give herself the means. She is a woman who makes choices for causes she considers just. 

Beyond Annie's individual destiny, the film casts a gaze imbued with deep tenderness and great empathy upon all her characters, both male and female. While never reducing them to their role in the action, which could be the temptation of a work that upholds its values, the film is respectful of the evolution of each character. It weaves with understanding and joyful complicity this beautiful sorority, bonding all dreams and the strength to realize them. 

Mathilde Henrot