Press Release  ·  05 | 08 | 2018

SONY’s Ci at the Locarno Festival

The Locarno Festival was searching for an elegant solution to their film submission problem. The ability to handle a brief surge of submissions and simple integration to their backend database were key prerequisites. Similarly, the live production team needed a solution to efficiently transfer festival footage to editors and store the content to the database.

This search led to a partnership with Sony Media Cloud Services where the Locarno Festival would use their cloud-based platform, SONY's Ci (pronounced “see”.) Designed for media workflows and scalable by architecture, the Locarno Festival integrated their submission website to the cloud using Ci’s API to develop a seamless experience for film entrants. Using Ci’s Workspace application and MediaBox function, festival staff can review and securely send the 4,000+ entries to the selection committee using a simple interface in a web browser. During the Festival, the live production teams use SONY's Ci as an endpoint for captured shots to feed into their editorial for publishing on their website. Using SONY's Ci allowed the Locarno Festival to centralize all of the incoming media content into a single platform.

"SONY's Ci has been a great asset and significantly scalable for our Festival especially during the rush of submissions we encounter every year. It has provided a friendly and easy-to-use experience to allow our selection committees to access content and do so from anywhere in the world. We have also introduced live production workflows with SONY's Ci and the teams at Sony Professional Solutions over the years to demonstrate the Festival's leadership in becoming one of the most innovative film festivals in the world", said Raphaël Brunschwig, Chief Operating Office of the Locarno Festival.

SONY's Ci is honored to be a technology partner of the Locarno Festival and looking forward to helping continue its innovative approaches and delivering a world-class experience for all of those who enjoy the Festival every year.

For more information about SONY’s Ci, visit