News  ·  15 | 06 | 2020

YAB 2020-2022

Locarno 2020 marks the beginning for the new Youth Advisory Board

Anouk, Giulia, Lily, Felix and Florent. This is the 2020-2022 YAB, the new Youth Advisory Board, which will stand alongside the Locarno Film Festival for three years, starting with this unusual edition, and offer the point of view of five young people, aged 20 to 30, to the entire Festival team. They will enjoy a special vantage point, from within the Festival, to help it grow and improve via constructive criticism. Like in the previous three-year period, which ended with Locarno72, the YAB representatives will give voice to a generation the Festival interacts with on a regular basis to ensure that today's youth remains tomorrow's audience. 

Having ended the first team experience that began in 2017, Locarno 2020 is the first step for Anouk Phéline (France, 26), Giulia Fasola (Switzerland, 24), Lily Landecy (Switzerland, 22), Florent Flagerström (Sweden, 27) and Felix Klee (Germany, 30). Their five profiles are unique and complementary, offering a new perspective on the Festival and the film world. While analyzing the various applications it received, the Locarno Film Festival seized an opportunity by accepting the return of Lily Landecy, a veteran of the first YAB, to have some continuity between the two cycles of this new project. 

The consulting body, formed by the five youths, will be part of the Festival's operations structure, working on a digital community that will intercept the ideas and viewpoints that reach the Festival via projects such as the Locarno Academy, Open Doors or BaseCamp. Starting next year, with Locarno 2021, the YAB will focus mainly on BaseCamp, while this year, due to the lockdown, the interactions will be done remotely, experiencing and assessing the online edition Locarno 2020 - For the Future of Films.

Click here for all details regarding the 2020-2022 YAB