Here is everything you need to know to best experience Locarno74
As of today, you can access the Locarno Film Festival’s online Ticket Shop to buy your tickets and reserve your seats for every single Locarno74 screening. Also available as of today, the new Locarno74 app, the official application that will be the essential tool, alongside the website, for the best experience at the Locarno Film Festival, which will greet its audience in the city in a few days’.
These past few months, we’ve been working with one goal in mind: to craft an edition that could bring back our entire audience. We’ve tried to reinstate the usual Festival in Piazza Grande and the 11 other screening venues throughout the city. The result will be a rich, complete, unique edition, as always, to be experienced along with a few simple details that need to be paid attention to also make it safe. Everyone will thus to access Locarno74, and watch all 209 of the selected films: no one excluded, everyonesafe.
Not just films: almost two years after the last Piazza Grande screening, we decided to bring back the real magic of the Festival – the films, the guests, the encounters, the professionals, as well as the parallel universe that makes the Locarno Film Festival a multifaceted event. Locarno74 will also be the Rotonda by la Mobiliare, a new concept where one can feel the Festival via live concerts, installations, encounters, art, relaxation, food and beverage, and family spaces. It will also be the new home for the Forum, a new version of the Spazio Cinema that will host all the conversations and roundtables.
Here it is, the primary key to access Locarno74. It’s clear, simple, and always at hand, at any time and for any need. The app enables you to create your profile to purchase passes and tickets, read the program, make your wish list, and book your seat. Remember, booking is required for all screenings, whether you have an accreditation, pass, or single ticket!
Don’t have a smartphone? You can also visit the online Ticket Shop with your computer, print the ticket, or directly in Locarno, where you can go to the Info Point and receive help from the Festival team. For additional information, you can also call the Hotline.
Remember to book your seat ahead of time so you don’t risk missing out on the screening and to show up at the time mentioned on the ticket. This year, admission after the start of the screening will not be allowed.
The Locarno Film Festival is taking all necessary precautions to make sure you get to experience the Festival in a peacefully, be it the rules for individual theaters or the chance to get a rapid test. As every year, however, you are also the Festival. Find out about accessing screenings ahead of time and be responsible once you arrive. Like never before, our community will make a difference.
Here has all the information about venues requiring a Covid certificate, what the certificate is, which ones are valid, the certificate app, and where to get tested during the Festival.
Additional information is available on the Locarno Film Festival’s website and on the app.
Download the app (App Store for iOS or Google Play for Android) to skim the program and put together your wish list. You’ll be able to purchase tickets and book your seats, not to mention vote for the Prix du Public UBS. If you buy tickets by logging into your account, you’ll then be able to see all your tickets stored in the personal area.
Download the app and create your personal code in order to access the Rotonda by la Mobiliare and events aimed at professionals