Locarno Today comes to an end on the penultimate day of the Festival: while we wait for tomorrow's award ceremony, the Concorso internazionale comes to a close with Abbas Fahdel's Tales of the Purple House, while Cineasti del presente ends with Tereza Nvotová's Svetlonoc. Piazza Grande features the Pardo d'onore Manor to Kelly Reichardt, one of the prime voices of world independent cinema, as well as Vous n'aurez pas ma haine, Killian Riedhof's film based on the 2015 tragedy of the Bataclan in Paris, and Doulas Sirk's Imitation of Life, straight out of the Retrospective. Tomorrow will be all about the award winners and the closing film, strongly tied to Switzerland: André Schäfer's Alles über Martin Suter. Ausser die Wahrheit. Too bad we can't start over, to keep falling in love with cinema together, but Locarno76 is already in the planning stages.