The last day of this year's shorts competition is all about endings and new beginnings. This program might be defined by a certain sense of loss, be it one of identity, money or even life. And yet, at the same time, it is also defined by a sense of longing: for a better life, a better self, a better environment. Migratory stories meet religious fanatism meet the end of capitalism. Or is it just the beginning? And above all looms the question of where to go from here.
Soberane - Wara: what if you wanted to stay in a place everyone else wants to escape from? What if that place has become a sanctuary? Director Wara tells a very personal story of self-discovery and the value of belonging.
Brandon Roi – Romain Jaccoud: Romain Jaccoud doesn't take us on an easy ride in this homoerotic adventure. The mountains form the backdrop to this mystical story about a dead body, an old video tape and a former fighter.
Lake of Fire - NEOZOON: art collective NEOZOON's latest work is literally charred with religious beliefs, continual preaching and questionable rituals. "Hell is a real place" turns into a repetitive sermon in this apocalyptic documentary.
Au crépuscule - Miryam Charles: Miryam Charles follows her Berlinale Forum contender Cette maison with a tale that goes deep into the Canadian winter landscape, where Charlotte faces her demons amidst icy surroundings and mysterious forest sounds.
Money and Happiness – Ana Nedeljkovic, Nikola Majdak Jr.: Ana Nedeljkovic and Nikola Majdak Jr. are back and take us on a visit to Hamsterland. Here, the world is colorful. Here, money flows. Here, everyone is happy. But at what cost?