Today, March 29, the 2023 Locarno Industry Academy America Latina applications officially open. The new branch of the Locarno Pro initiative champions the training of young film industry talents outside of Locarno’s physical borders via intensive workshops devoted to professionals who work in the independent realm. Since its inception in 2014, the Locarno Industry Academy has been organizing programs aimed at those getting started in the fields of international sales, marketing, distribution, exhibition and programming (festivals, film clubs, museums, film archives, streaming platforms), with the goal of providing them with the tools required to face the challenges of the contemporary independent scene. By opening up pathways of direct interaction with key players of regional and international industries, the Industry Academy, with the support of local partners, offers a wide array of workshops in various areas of Europe, North America, Latin America, the Middle East, South Africa and South Asia.
As of today, and until April 21, 2023, via the joint application form, it is possible to apply for one of the first two initiatives planned for Latin America this year: the Mexico-Locarno Industry Academy, organized with FICUNAM - Festival Internacional de Cine UNAM (June 1-9) and with the support of Ibermedia; and the Colombia-Locarno Industry Academy, organized with BAM – Bogotá Audiovisual Market (July 10-14). The Locarno Film Festival is therefore joining forces with two of the region’s most significant institutions, for a unique networking opportunity aimed at those wishing to work in the international independent film industry. The chosen candidates will take part in a personalized and intensive program where they will share experiences, take on group assignments and meet seasoned professionals on a national and international level, with the chance to connect with participants of other activities at FICUNAM and BAM.
Applications are open for professionals, preferably under the age of 40, with at least 2 years of experience in sales, marketing, online and traditional distribution, and programming, as well as excellent language skills in English and Spanish (written and spoken). Each Academy will have 8-10 participants, and the selection is open to applicants from all Ibero-American countries.
Applications for the other three Academies to take place in Latin America in the final months of the year will open at the end of summer, with further information available via the Locarno Film Festival and Locarno Pro’s communication channels.