Press Release  ·  08 | 08 | 2016

First Look Award 2016

Ptaki Śpiewają W Kigali (Birds are Singing in Kigali)

The sixth edition of First Look – the Festival del film Locarno initiative aiming to showcase films in post-production – has presented six polish films. Each one was introduced by its producer to various world sales agents and festival programmers attending the Industry Days. 

The jury for First Look 2016, comprising Kerem Ayan (Istanbul International Film Festival), Cameron Bailey (Toronto International Film Festival) and Bero Beyer (International Film Festival Rotterdam) handed out the First Look Awards:

– to BIRDS ARE SINGING IN KIGALI by Joanna Kos-Krauze and Krzysztof Krauze an award worth 65'000 Euros in in post-production services sponsored by Cinelab Bucharest: for its exploring complexity beetwen host and guest and its intimate tentions between two women after the Rwanda Genocide.

– to ZGODA by Maciej Sobieszczanski an award worth 5,500 Euros in advertising, donated by Le Film Français: a 1st time director with the ability to take a new lens on an overlit historical background with the support of talented cinematographer Valentyn Vasyanovych. 

The full list of the 2016 selected films:

13 SUMMERS UNDERWATER by Wiktoria Szymańska, produced by Wiktoria Szymańska, Izabela Igel (Luna W) and Edher Campos (Machete Producciones)

BIRDS ARE SINGING IN KIGALI (Ptaki Śpiewają W Kigali) by Joanna Kos-Krauze & Krzysztof Krauze, produced by Joanna Kos-Krauze and Aleksandra Bielska (KosFilm)

THE BUTLER (Kamerdyner) by Filip Bajon, produced by Olga Bieniek and Mirosław Piepka (Film Icon)

DAY OF CHOCOLATE (Dzien Czekolady) by Jacek Piotr Bławut, produced by Anna Bławut-Mazurkiewicz (Aura Films)

I’M A KILLER (Jestem mordercą) by Maciej Pieprzyca, produced by Renata Czarnkowska-Listoś and Maria Gołoś (Re Studio)

ZGODA by Maciej Sobieszczański, produced by Zbigniew Domagalski and Monika Błachnio (Studio Filmowe Kalejdoskop)