Digital Library Agreement for Right Holders

1. Terms & Conditions

The agreement between you, the Right Holder (as defined below), and the "Festival Internazionale del Film Locarno Association" (referred to as "the Festival"), for the use of the Digital Library service (defined below), is governed by the following terms and conditions. By clicking on “Upload Film” in the upload invitation email you confirm that you have read, understood, and agree to comply with these terms and conditions.

2. Definitions

2.1 The Digital Library

The Digital Library (hereinafter referred to as “DL”) is a white-labeled, secure video-on-demand (VOD) platform available worldwide, powered by Shift72 in partnership with Festival Scope. The DL enables accredited press and film industry professionals (“Users”) to watch films from the Official Selection and from the parallel sections of the Festival.

2.2 The Festival

The Festival operates the Digital Library platform, which is hosted on the domain

2.3 Right Holder

Right Holder refers to the individual or organization that possesses the exclusive legal rights to the films uploaded on the DL. Only the Right Holder is authorized to upload films.

2.4 Users

Users of the DL are press and film industry professionals who possess a valid accreditation for the 77th edition of the Locarno Film Festival from one of the following categories: Press, Industry, Industry Online.

3. Upload of Film Content

3.1 By uploading a film, the Right Holder confirms and warrants that they exclusively own all legal rights, including but not limited to exploitation rights, associated with the film. Additionally, the Right Holder warrants that the film does not infringe upon any intellectual property or other rights of third parties.

3.2 The Festival reserves the right to delete any uploaded content that violates these terms. The Right Holder agrees to hold the Festival, its directors, employees, collaborators, and agents fully harmless from any claims brought by third parties arising from the uploading of the film on the DL, and its use on the platform by the Festival and/or the Users.

3.3 Once the film is uploaded, the Right Holder may request the removal of the film from the DL by sending a removal request to using the same e-mail address provided for the upload invitation.

4. Technical Requirements and Recommendations for Film Upload

When uploading a film, the Right Holder must comply with the following technical requirements:

  • Frame Size: minimum 1280x720, best if 1920x1080
  • Format | Suffix .MP4
  • Video codec H.264 High Profile / bitrate 15 Mbps or higher
  • Audio codec AAC / bitrate 320 kbps
  • Audio Channels: Stereo CH-1 (left) CH-2 (right) or 5.1 Surround Sound. Refer to the audio channel support page for further information
  • Subtitles must be burned into the lower third of the image. In case of a Scope ratio, they should be placed on the lower black bar
  • For non-English original versions, English subtitles are mandatory
  • For English original versions, English subtitles are not mandatory but strongly recommended to enhance accessibility for Users
  • The film should not display timecodes, watermarks on the image, or test sound signals at the beginning or end
  • Avoid squeezing or deforming the picture. Maintain the native aspect ratio and use letterboxing or pillarboxing within a 16:9 container (i.e. Scope ratio will be letterboxed, while 4:3 ratio will be pillarboxed)

5. Availability of Film Content to Users

5.1 Films from the First Look and Heritage Online Screenings sections are accessible only to accredited Industry or Industry Online Users.

5.2 The availability of a film depends on the Festival section in which it is selected and/or on specific directives given by the Right Holder:

  • Piazza Grande, Concorso Internazionale, Concorso Cineasti del Presente, Panorama Suisse, Semaine de la Critique, First Look, Heritage Online Screenings
    Availability starts only after the first official screening of the film at the Festival and ends on August 31, 2024 at 11:59 PM.
  • Fuori Concorso, Locarno Kids Screenings (premieres only)
    Availability starts 24 hours before the first official screening of the film at the Festival and ends on August 31, 2024 at 11:59 PM.
  • Pardi di Domani, Open Doors Screenings
    Availability starts on August 6, 2024 at 3:30 PM and ends on August 31, 2024 at 11:59 PM.

6. Press Embargo

For films available on the DL prior to their official screening at the Festival (such as Fuori Concorso, Locarno Kids Screenings, Pardi di Domani, and Open Doors Screenings sections), a press embargo is requested for all forms of articles (print, web, radio, TV, social media, and any other media) until 30 minutes after the start of the first official screening at the Festival.

7. Content Protection Policy

The DL follows a Content Protection Policy to ensure the enforcement of Digital Rights Management (DRM) through the implementation of the following procedures and measures:

7.1 To access the DL, each User is required to create a personal Festival account protected by password on Under no circumstances should the User share their account login details with anyone else.

7.2 Each User is required to read and agree to the Terms & Conditions of Use of the Digital Library before their first login on the platform.

7.3 Only authenticated video players and secure devices are able to play the films.

7.4 A visible watermark containing the User’s name, surname and e-mail address is applied to the film when streamed by the User.

7.5 Each screening is strictly personal to the User. In no event can the screening occur on a terminal or in conditions permitting a collective viewing of the film. The Festival retains the right to monitor all User activities on the DL.

8. Reporting

Due to the New Federal Act on Data Protection (nFADP) in force in Switzerland since September 1, 2023, the Festival cannot share the names, companies, and other personal details of the Digital Library users. After the end of the Digital Library period on August 31, 2024, the Right Holder will be provided with a report containing the total number of streams of the uploaded film divided per badge type (Industry & Press), users’ streaming location per continent, and a chart showing the users’ engagement throughout the whole duration of the film.

9. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These terms and conditions of agreement are subject to and governed by Swiss law. Any claim or dispute arising from or relating to your use of the Platform shall be exclusively resolved by the competent courts of Locarno-Città, Switzerland.