Concorso Internazionale
Pardo d’oro
ABRIR PUERTAS Y VENTANAS (Back to Stay) by Milagros Mumenthaler, Argentina/Switzerland
Pardo d’oro speciale della giuria
Shinji Aoyama for the film TOKYO KOEN and his outstanding career
Premio speciale della giuria
HASHOTER (Policeman) by Nadav Lapid, Israel
Pardo per la migliore regia (Best Director)
Adrian Sitaru for the film DIN DRAGOSTE CU CELE MAI BUNE INTENTII (Best Intentions), Romania/Hungary
Pardo per la miglior interpretazione femminile (Best Actress)
María Canale for the film ABRIR PUERTAS Y VENTANAS (Back to Stay) by Milagros Mumenthaler, Argentina/ Switzerland
Pardo per la miglior interpretazione maschile (Best Actor)
Bogdan Dumitrache for the film DIN DRAGOSTE CU CELE MAI BUNE INTENTII (Best Intentions) by Adrian Sitaru, Romania/Hungary
Special Mention
UN AMOUR DE JEUNESSE Goodbye First Love) by Mia Hansen-Løve, France/Germany
Concorso Cineasti del presente
Pardo d’oro Cineasti del presente - Premio George Foundation
L’ESTATE DI GIACOMO by Alessandro Comodin, Italy/France/Belgium
Premio speciale della giuria Ciné+ Cineasti del presente
EL ESTUDIANTE (The Student) by Santiago Mitre, Argentina
Special Mention
É NA TERRA NÃO É NA LUA (It’s the Earth Not the Moon) by Gonçalo Tocha, Portugal
Best First Feature Jury
Pardo per la migliore opera prima (Best First Film)
NANA by Valérie Massadian, France
Pardi di domani
Concorso internazionale
Pardino d’oro for the Best International Short Film
RAUSCHGIFT (Addicted) by Peter Baranowski, Germany
Pardino d’argento
LES ENFANTS DE LA NUIT by Caroline Deruas, France
Special Mention
MENS SANA IN CORPORE SANO by Juliano Dornelles, Brazil
Locarno Short Film nominee for the European Film Awards - Pianifica Prize
OPOWIESCI Z CHLODNI (Frozen Stories) by Grzegorz Jaroszuk, Poland
The Film und Video Untertitelung Prize
LIBERDADE by Gabriel Abrantes and Benjamin Crotty, Portugal
Pardi di domani
Concorso nazionale
Pardino d’oro for the Best Swiss Short Film
L’AMBASSADEUR & MOI (The Ambassador & me) by Jan Czarlewski
Pardino d’argento
LE TOMBEAU DES FILLES (The Girls’ Grave) by Carmen Jaquier
Premio Action Light for the Best Swiss Newcomer
À QUOI TU JOUES (Another Game) by Jean Guillaume Sonnier
Piazza Grande
Prix du Public UBS
MONSIEUR LAZHAR by Philippe Falardeau, Canada
Variety Piazza Grande Award
MONSIEUR LAZHAR by Philippe Falardeau, Canada
SRG SSR idée suisse / Semaine de la critique 2011 Jury
Special Mention (SRG SSR idée suisse / Semaine de la critique 2011)
SKETCHES OF MYAHK by Koichi Onishi
SRG SSR idée suisse / Semaine de la critique 2011 Prize
MESSIES, EIN SCHÖNES CHAOS by Ulrich Grossenbacher
International Critics’ Prize (FIPRESCI Prize)
ABRIR PUERTAS Y VENTANAS by Milagros Mumenthaler
Ecumenical Jury
Ecumenical Prize
VOL SPÉCIAL by Fernand Melgar
Special Mention (Ecumenical Jury)
ONDER ONS by Marco Van Geffen;
ABRIR PUERTAS Y VENTANAS by Milagros Mumenthaler
Art Cinema Award – CICAE Art & Essai Prize
ONDER ONS by Marco Van Geffen
Junior Jury
First Prize
VOL SPÉCIAL by Fernand Melgar
Second Prize
SETTE OPERE DI MISERICORDIA by Massimiliano De Serio e Gianluca De Serio
Third Prize
TERRI by Azazel Jacobs
“Environment is quality of life” Prize
EL AÑO DEL TIGRE by Sébastián Lelio
Special Mention
ANOTHER EARTH by Mike Cahill;
ABRIR PUERTAS Y VENTANAS by Milagros Mumenthaler
Don Quijote Prize
SETTE OPERE DI MISERICORDIA by Massimiliano De Serio e Gianluca De Serio
Special Mention