News  ·  24 | 06 | 2021

74 Years of Ticino at the Locarno Film Festival

In competition or not, Swiss or international, from 1945 to 2019: these are the 16 films chosen with the Ticino Film Commission, which depict Ticino at the Locarno Film Festival

It’s a well-known fact, for 74 years now, that the Locarno Film Festival is in Ticino. It also works in reverse: for 74 years, Ticino has been inside the Locarno Film Festival. How so? On the big screen, of course. It’s the cinematic Ticino, the one that is the star and setting, the region that has been the stage for stories of love and war, laughs and tears, action and introspection, for national and international productions. These films were shot in Ticino and then came back to the region via the Locarno Film Festival.

There are many examples, and we’ve chosen 16 of them, from Leopold Lindtberg’s The Last Chance (1945) to Klaudia Reynicke’s Love Me Tender (2019). They span exactly 74 years, just like the Locarno Film Festival. And who better than the Ticino Film Commission, whose daily life consists of getting films made in our region, to curate this collection? So, here they are, all sixteen of them, lined up throughout the Festival’s long history, surrounded by Ticino. Happy viewings.