Press Release  ·  29 | 07 | 2013

Announcement of the Open Doors and Carte Blanche Awards 2013

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The awards for the co-production lab Open Doors, organized with support from the Swiss Foreign Ministry’s Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), were announced on Tuesday 13 August.

The 2013 edition of Open Doors, organized in collaboration with the Festival’s Industry Office and with support from our partners ACE (Ateliers du Cinéma Européen), EAVE (European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs) and Producers Network Marché du Film (Cannes Festival), is devoted to the cinemas of the South Caucasus, with a focus on Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. The 12 projects that participated in the Open Doors co-production lab 2013 were selected from over 100 submissions. The 4 days of workshop organized during the Festival aim to assist the selected directors and producers to find financial partners to complete production of their films.

Open Doors jury chose the following projects for the awards offered by the the Swiss Foreign Ministry’s Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the township of Bellinzona, Visions Sud Est, the CNC (Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée) and ARTE:

Open Doors Production Award 20,000 CHF
See you in Chechnya by Alexander Kvatashidze, Georgia/France/Estonia/Netherlands

Open Doors Development Award 15,000 CHF
Abysm by Oksana Mirzoyan, Armenia

Open Doors Post-Production Award 15,000 CHF
Madona by Nino Gogua, Georgia

ARTE Open Doors Award 6,000 Euro
See you in Chechnya by Alexander Kvatashidze, Georgia/France/Estonia/Netherlands

CNC Award (Centre National du cinéma et de l’image animée) 7,000 Euro
Sleeping lessons by Rusudan Pirvelli, Georgia

The Open Doors Screenings program presents a selection of 22 films from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, which continues until the end of the Festival. The screenings are open to both industry professionals and the public alike.

Carte Blanche Award 2013

Thanks to a partnership with CinemaChile and the Valdivia Festival’s AustraLab and support from the Swiss Foreign Ministry’s Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Carte Blanche ­– this Festival del film Locarno initiative aiming to showcase films in post-production from one particular country, this year, Chile ­–presented seven Chilean films in post-production, each introduced by its producer, to various world sales agents and festival programmers attending the Industry Days.

The jury for Carte Blanche 2013, comprising Frédéric Boyer, artistic director of the TriBeCa Film Festival (USA), Gerwin Tamsma, programmer for the Rotterdam International Film Festival (Netherlands) and producer Agustina Chiarino (Uruguay), decided to give this award of 10,000 CHF, offered by the DSC and intended to enable the film’s completion, to the film:

To kill a man by Alejandro Fernandez Almendras

"For gripping and haunting way the film confronts the viewer with questions of fate, choice and tragedy in contemporary society showing the maturing voice of an important Chilean filmmaker."


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66° Festival del film Locarno
7-17 | 8 | 2013
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