Press Release  ·  17 | 08 | 2014

The 67th edition of the Festival del film Locarno comes to an end

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On Saturday 16 August on the Piazza Grande the awards were presented to the winners of the 67th Festival del film Locarno, before an audience of 5,000 people. The 2014 edition, the second under Carlo Chatrian’s artistic direction, concluded on a high note, and was crowned with the Pardo d’oro going to the film MULA SA KUNG ANO ANG NOON (From What Is Before) by Lav Diaz.

Festival President Marco Solari officially closed the 67th edition, remarking: “The Festival del film Locarno has this year once again demonstrated growth and consolidated its position in the panorama of the major international film festivals. We will have to think long and hard about future strategies for the Festival’s development.

Carlo Chatrian commented: “Eleven days full of emotion, with outstanding guests and films that recounted the world and the people who inhabit it. Once again, despite the sometimes inclement weather, the Festival del film Locarno, in its 67th edition, was acclaimed by a growing audience, and the many encounters with guests extended the pleasures offered by the films. I salute and thank all the directors, actors and other participants who made Locarno a real meeting place where ideas and experiences intersect.

COO Mario Timbal announced the first set of evaluation figures: “Attendance was high, an increase on 2013, and, notwithstanding the many rainy days, almost all of the Piazza Grande evening screenings went ahead as planned. This meant that the general experience was kept intact, thanks to the great enthusiasm of the audiences following the event. The figures are in line with our forecasts and expectations: over the eleven days 166,800 viewers attended the Festival (2013: 162,919). There was also a positive result in terms of the number of total accreditations, rising to 4,232 (2013: 4,114) including the 962  journalists and photographers present at Locarno (2013: 929), and  increased number of professionals participating in the Festival with 1,049 Industry accreditations (2013: 1,013).

The list of the 2014 Festival’s  prize-winners, along with all the articles, a photo gallery and recordings of the public “In Conversation” sessions with the major film figures honored by the festival, can all be found on

The 68° Festival del film Locarno will take place 5 – 15 August 2015.



Press Office
67° Festival del film Locarno
6 – 16 | 8 | 2014
Via Ciseri 23 | CH-6601 Locarno
tel +41 91 756 21 21 | fax +41 91 756 21 49 |