Press Release  ·  17 | 10 | 2022

Line-up finalized for working group on future governance of the Locarno Film Festival

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At its meeting today, the Board of Directors of the Locarno Film Festival set up a working group to study the future governance of the Festival.

The working group’s members are, in alphabetical order:


Nadia Dresti
Member of the Locarno Film Festival Board of Directors


Felix Ehrat
Member of the Locarno Film Festival Board of Directors


Edna Epelbaum
Member of the Locarno Film Festival Board of Directors


Josefa Haas
Member of the Locarno Film Festival Board of Directors


Markus Hongler
Chair of the Board of Directors of the Luzerner Kantonalbank and Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Lucerne Festival


Pius Knüsel
Member of the Locarno Film Festival Board of Directors


Francesco Lurati 
Professor of Corporate Communication in the Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society at USI Università della Svizzera italiana


Michel Merkt


Giovanni Merlini
Member of the Locarno Film Festival Board of Directors


Mariateresa Vacalli
Member of the Swiss Post and Burckhartdt Compression Board of Directors


The members of the working group formed today will present a report at the beginning of the year which will serve as a starting point for the   transition to the next presidency, for which an appointment committee fixed by the Board will be set up.